Tuesday 10 November 2009

Ban smoking in public places gives the fruit a year - scientists

As reported in a study by British scientists, a ban on smoking in public places has led to the decline of cardiovascular disease during the year.
Number of heart attacks in Britain fell by 10% during the year after, in July 2007 came out ban on smoking in public places. In Scotland, the same study showed a decline in their level of 14%.
Thus, the government will be increasing pressure to smoking was banned and in other spaces, sums up the Department of Health of Britain.
As you know, September 11, 2009 the Ukrainian Parliament has established a ban on smoking tobacco in public places, including in health care facilities, schools, sports facilities, institutions, enterprises and organizations of culture, trains, buses, shops, taxis, including shuttles, trolley buses, trams, and elevators in residential buildings.

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