Thursday 29 October 2009

Expands Anti smoking campaigns in the U.S.

Information about the active struggle against smoking in public places in the U.S. is known for a long period of time. But the battle against smoking is now spreading, stretching, where people are free to do whatever he wants, as it may seem. In some American cities, activists of people from a separate condominiums want to ban smoking on their neighbors in their apartments.

As New York Times reported in some cities in California and Michigan are apartment buildings where people are forbidden to smoke in their apartments. Activists combat tobacco control, which had triumphed there, say that the smoke from neighboring apartments to spoil the corridors and halls. In spite of the stormy opposition to smoking, the activists managed to request a review of the condominium management. Now in this house, people can not smoke. Significantly, this experiment taken by other states. According to official figures, the number of lawsuits testing the basic requirement is a recognition of the territory of the condominium as an anti tobacco has increased.

There are no restrictions on smokers' resentment. First they were driven from the streets and office facilities, where smokers are allowed to smoke. Then it was banned smoking in bars and restaurants, as well as on the beaches and even on some streets of different cities. Now, anti-smoking campaigners have in the house.

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