Thursday 29 October 2009

Have stolen two blocks of cigarettes to station Certified gas

The cashier has told that the person has asked two blocks of cigarettes. When she has put on a counter and have started to call them, the person is reached through a counter and has seized cigarettes to accept them. The cashier has told that it kept behind cigarettes and struggle has occurred. During struggle, the cashier has told that it has struck in the person. The cashier she has told to officers could bite the suspect, probably, on hands, during an attack. The robber took cigarettes and has run out from the gas station, in northern direction and disappear in a complex nearby apartment. The cashier has not been taken to hospital. It is the second robbery a cigarette in six days. In 12:15 mornings of Friday, man Walgreen a drugstore, 859 E has entered. Basic Sankt also has asked a pack of cigarettes. When the clerk has asked for identification to check up the age, the man tried to grasp cigarettes, according to the message of police of Lancaster. The suspect has seized it by a hand of the clerk and has curtailed it, snatching out a cigarette at it from hands and has run out from shop. The clerk in Walgreen has received easy scratches and bruises from a robbery. Lancaster polices of lieutenant Shejna Wilson has called all who is engaged in plunder to be cautious. "Should give in nobody on property as cash or cigarettes", is spoken by Wilson. "The property is it is not necessary seriously has not suffered or to lose a life for it. The best people most can be made, it to observe with the robber and to receive the good description of how they look that they carry, and that they at the wheel".

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