Tuesday 10 November 2009

Ban smoking in public places gives the fruit a year - scientists

As reported in a study by British scientists, a ban on smoking in public places has led to the decline of cardiovascular disease during the year.
Number of heart attacks in Britain fell by 10% during the year after, in July 2007 came out ban on smoking in public places. In Scotland, the same study showed a decline in their level of 14%.
Thus, the government will be increasing pressure to smoking was banned and in other spaces, sums up the Department of Health of Britain.
As you know, September 11, 2009 the Ukrainian Parliament has established a ban on smoking tobacco in public places, including in health care facilities, schools, sports facilities, institutions, enterprises and organizations of culture, trains, buses, shops, taxis, including shuttles, trolley buses, trams, and elevators in residential buildings.

Thursday 29 October 2009


Leo Burnett specializes in creating promotional characters such as Yolly Green Giant, Morris cat, Keebler Elves, Charilie Tune. Since taking defeminization cigarettes Marlboro, he decided to use a series of injections of testosterone, which is the image of the captain, athlete, adventurer, war correspondent, home builders and others. The first in this series was a cowboy. No more than 3000 professional cowboys to stay in the United States.

Burnett said a lot and he does it very well. Advertising campaign got along. For one, the Marlboro brand has moved from last place to fourth, while the list of champions of cigarettes. The campaign decided to forget about the captain and retain Cowboy to be on the safe side. First invitation for the shootings were professional models, among which no one knew what the parties come to the horse. Gabbers replace them. Just imagine the person in blue, faded jeans, cowboy boots with spurs rapid! It was incredibly funny! Finally, advertising agencies were forced to seek real cowboys in Texas and Montana.

In 1955, the agency decided to add a tattoo as a trademark in the cowboy's hand. One sitting remembered that before the shooting, he was within three minutes, and a tattoo applied within three hours. In 1962, Burnett advertising agency has acquired all rights to the script "The Magnificent Seven" and added the following phrase in his TV ads: Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. Since that time, the Marlboro Man took a firm place among the most successful advertising images and Marlboro is at the top of the most popular cigarettes in the world.

Expands Anti smoking campaigns in the U.S.

Information about the active struggle against smoking in public places in the U.S. is known for a long period of time. But the battle against smoking is now spreading, stretching, where people are free to do whatever he wants, as it may seem. In some American cities, activists of people from a separate condominiums want to ban smoking on their neighbors in their apartments.

As New York Times reported in some cities in California and Michigan are apartment buildings where people are forbidden to smoke in their apartments. Activists combat tobacco control, which had triumphed there, say that the smoke from neighboring apartments to spoil the corridors and halls. In spite of the stormy opposition to smoking, the activists managed to request a review of the condominium management. Now in this house, people can not smoke. Significantly, this experiment taken by other states. According to official figures, the number of lawsuits testing the basic requirement is a recognition of the territory of the condominium as an anti tobacco has increased.

There are no restrictions on smokers' resentment. First they were driven from the streets and office facilities, where smokers are allowed to smoke. Then it was banned smoking in bars and restaurants, as well as on the beaches and even on some streets of different cities. Now, anti-smoking campaigners have in the house.

Have stolen two blocks of cigarettes to station Certified gas

The cashier has told that the person has asked two blocks of cigarettes. When she has put on a counter and have started to call them, the person is reached through a counter and has seized cigarettes to accept them. The cashier has told that it kept behind cigarettes and struggle has occurred. During struggle, the cashier has told that it has struck in the person. The cashier she has told to officers could bite the suspect, probably, on hands, during an attack. The robber took cigarettes and has run out from the gas station, in northern direction and disappear in a complex nearby apartment. The cashier has not been taken to hospital. It is the second robbery a cigarette in six days. In 12:15 mornings of Friday, man Walgreen a drugstore, 859 E has entered. Basic Sankt also has asked a pack of cigarettes. When the clerk has asked for identification to check up the age, the man tried to grasp cigarettes, according to the message of police of Lancaster. The suspect has seized it by a hand of the clerk and has curtailed it, snatching out a cigarette at it from hands and has run out from shop. The clerk in Walgreen has received easy scratches and bruises from a robbery. Lancaster polices of lieutenant Shejna Wilson has called all who is engaged in plunder to be cautious. "Should give in nobody on property as cash or cigarettes", is spoken by Wilson. "The property is it is not necessary seriously has not suffered or to lose a life for it. The best people most can be made, it to observe with the robber and to receive the good description of how they look that they carry, and that they at the wheel".

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Newport Cigarettes

Newport cigarettes, Lorillard's leading product, was introduced to the market in 1957. Greensboro, North Carolina-based Lorillard inc. is the fourth largest U.S. cigarette maker. Founded in 1760, Lorillard introduced the first blended cigarette, Old Gold Label, in 1926. Then in 1952, they again broke new ground in Kent, made his debut on the market. Kent was the first cigarette filter on the market. Newport cigarettes number 2 brand of cigarettes in the United States for Marlboro Philip Morris. Newport cigarettes are just one of many brands of "menthol" in the market, which together account for about 25 percent of cigarettes sold in the United States. Newport cigarettes became the most popular in the menthol category in 1993. Newport cigarettes in 1983 was the youngest franchise of any brand, with 53 percent of sales to people aged 18 to 24 years, and it doubled its penetration of young African-American market, according to the document RJR. Newport cigarettes are especially popular in the north-eastern United States. Market menthol flavored cigarettes - Minty-tasting extract is also used in cold medicines - is dominated by Lorillard, a unit of Loews, New York. Newport brand cigarettes, which accounted for more than 8% of all U.S. cigarette shipments, compared to 6,5% in 1997. Lorillard Tobacco Company is the fourth largest cigarette producer countries, thanks to Mark Newport cigarettes.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Who smokes cigars?

Cigar smoking is still a popular trend in the world where a "cigar culture" is supported by cigar magazines, shops, and bars or clubs. Many cigar smokers think of themselves as connoisseurs, much like wine experts. They may view cigars as a sophisticated, affordable luxury that represents success. Some see cigar smoking as a sign of taste and refinement. This image is fueled in part by the efforts of the tobacco industry to glamorize cigars and the willingness of movie stars and athletes to be paid and photographed smoking cigars.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Cigar smokers

Cigar smokers around the world be in agreement: you have not really experienced the pleasure of smoking a fine cigar until the day you smoke a Cuban one.
The motivation for this is the fact that Cuban cigars are made by hand, one by one; each tobacco leaf is vigilantly selected, cleaned, dried, and finally rolled through a very difficult process, following very high quality guidelines to get that strong, tasty flavor that makes each Cuban brand unique.
Although this process takes much more time than other cigar’s manufacturing process (mostly assisted by machines), the resulting cigar provides a smoking experience that no one can leave unnoticed.
Perhaps the most famous Cuban cigars are the “Cohibas”, delicate and flavorful cigars that have smokers all over the planet. But let’s not forget about other exclusive brands too: “Montecristo”, “Partagas” and many more manufacturers make Cuba the first and most significant tobacco producer and supplier in the world, and this is a well deserved award.
Of course, if you previously tasted any of the fine Cuban cigars available, then you know this facts yourself, there is no need for me to tell this to you. But if, in the other hand, if you have smoked cigars before but never tried out a Cuban, or even if you have never smoked cigars but want to begin enjoying this pleasure (so much different to cigarette smoking), then I must strongly encourage you to get yourself a quiet place, maybe some peaceful music, and a nice “Habano”. You will realize that there is no better smoking experience.
Perfect companions for a selected wine, after a great meal, or among friends in a reunion, Cuban cigars have earned the top place in the finest tobacco’s list, and are almost mandatory if you are really a lover of the pleasures of life.